The Best GHOST Protein Flavors Ranked

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This is our review of the best GHOST protein flavors!

You’re probably familiar with GHOST Lifestyle if you are a fitness enthusiast. 

The brand has grown rapidly in popularity since its launch in 2016 and is now a staple in the fitness and supplement industry.

GHOST is known for its unique flavor combinations and collaborations with brands such as Nabisco which introduced the Oreo, Nutty Butter and Chips Ahoy flavors. 

But you might be wondering which GHOST protein powder has the best flavor.

Well you’re in luck!

We’ve done our due diligence and over the last two weeks, we’ve tasted and ranked the best GHOST protein flavors to help you choose the right one!

Let’s begin.

In A Hurry? Here Are The Best GHOST Protein Flavors

Best Ghost Whey Protein Flavors

Best GHOST Vegan Protein Flavors

Best GHOST Whey Protein Flavors

Here are the best GHOST protein flavors that you NEED to try!

All GHOST whey protein powders have fully disclosed labels without any hidden ingredients or proprietary blends.

GHOST’s protein contains whey concentrate, isolate, hydrolysate and digestive enzymes for better absorption. They are also completely gluten and soy-free!

Best GHOST Protein Flavor – Chips Ahoy!®

GHOST Chips Ahoy

Calories – 160 Per Serving

Protein – 25 Grams Per Serving

Best For – Post Workout, Breakfast, Smoothies

The GHOST whey protein best flavor award goes to Chips Ahoy! 

It’s one of the tastiest protein powders I’ve ever tried. The powder has pieces of Chips Ahoy cookies which gives your protein shake a super good texture. 

GHOST has done a great job creating a flavor that matches the real Chips Ahoy! cookies. 

I’ve found that mixing the protein powder with milk tastes better than with water. It brings out the flavors more and tastes like dunking Chips Ahoy! cookies in a glass of cold milk!

2nd Best GHOST Protein Flavor – Oreo®


Calories – 150 Per Serving

Protein – 25 Grams Per Serving

Best For – Post Workout, Breakfast, Smoothies

Who doesn’t love Oreos? I know I do, and GHOST Oreo protein powder is a dream come true for Oreo lovers like me!

The protein powder is loaded with real Oreo cookie pieces which creates a superb texture and crunch! 

I can for sure say that I would drink this over any smoothie or milkshake. Also, try mixing it with milk to get the authentic Oreo experience!

3rd Best GHOST Protein Flavor – Fruity Cereal Milk

GHOST Frruity Cereal Milk

Calories – 120 Per Serving

Protein – 25 Grams Per Serving

Best For – Post Workout, Breakfast, Smoothies, Baking

GHOST Fruity Cereal Milk protein powder tastes like mixing your breakfast cereal in a blender and drinking it. But without all the sugar and 25 grams of protein instead!

It’s fruity, it’s sweet and it builds muscle! What’s not to like?

Well, some might find that it’s a bit too sweet, and I understand. That’s why I chose to put the Fruity Cereal Milk flavor in the third spot. 

Best GHOST Vegan Protein Flavors

Here are the best GHOST vegan protein flavors all plant-based athletes NEED to try!

All GHOST vegan protein powders have fully disclosed labels. There are no hidden ingredients or proprietary blends. You know exactly what you get in each serving.

GHOST vegan proteins are free from soy and gluten. It’s also a complete protein which means that it contains all 9 essential amino that your body needs to recover and build muscle!

Best GHOST Vegan Protein Flavor – Cinnabon

GHOST Vegan Cinnabon

Calories – 110 Per Serving

Protein – 20 Grams Per Serving

Best For – Post Workout, Breakfast

And the best GHOST vegan protein powder flavor award goes to Cinnabon!

This is the best-tasting vegan protein powder I have tried, ever!

Most vegan protein powders tend to have a weird earthy aftertaste. I can’t say that you won’t taste it in GHOST’s vegan protein powders, but they have made a great effort to hide it!

The protein powder mixes easily and tastes delicious with both milk and water. The Cinnabon flavor is pretty sweet but you can reduce the sweetness by adding more liquid.

2nd Best GHOST Vegan Protein Flavor – Chocolate Cereal Milk

GHOST Vegan Chocolate Cereal Milk

Calories – 120 Per Serving

Protein – 20 Grams Per Serving

Best For – Post Workout, Breakfast, Smoothies, Baking

First and second place was a difficult choice between the Cinnabon and Chocolate Cereal Milk. 

Both flavors are fantastic! 

But Chocolate Cereal Milk is a safe bet if you like the classic chocolate-flavored protein powder taste.

The flavor is very similar to a bowl of Cocoa Puffs cereal and is best mixed with almond or oat milk.  

3rd Best GHOST Vegan Protein Flavor – Banana Pancake Batter

GHOST Vegan Banana Pancake Batter

Calories – 110 Per Serving

Protein – 20 Grams Per Serving

Best For – Post Workout, Breakfast, Smoothies, Baking

GHOST’s Banana Pancake Batter flavor brings a breath of fresh air to the vegan protein powder market. 

The banana flavor is very noticeable which is great! You also get a hint of sweet vanilla that goes great together with the banana.

You won’t find many other vegan protein powders that offer banana flavor. 

GHOST’s Banana Pancake Batter is the perfect plant-based option if you want to try something other than the regular chocolate and vanilla flavors!

Honorable Mention

Peanut Butter Cereal Milk

GHOST Protein Powder Buying Guide

Protein Source

GHOST’s whey protein contains 3 different forms of whey protein. Concentrate, isolate and hydrosolate. 

All three are easily digestible and fast absorbing. What sets them apart is their purity. 

Whey Hydrosolate is the purest form of whey protein and is absorbed and digested the quickest. 

Whey concentrate takes a bit longer to digest and absorb and has generally a protein content of about 75 %.

Whey isolate is a middle ground between the two and has a protein content of ~80 %.

GHOST’s vegan protein powders contain 3 different types of plant-based protein sources.

Pea-protein concentrate, organic pumpkin protein and watermelon seed protein. 

These three protein sources contain all 9 essential amino acids that your body needs to build proteins and recover optimally after workouts.


GHOST’s protein powders are a little bit pricier than other brands. But they are well worth the investment.

The GHOST whey protein powders are priced at $45.99 for 2 lbs (900 grams)

GHOST’s vegan protein powders cost $49.99 for 2 lbs (900 grams)


GHOST offers some of the best-tasting protein powders in the supplement industry.

Their whey protein powders come in 10 different flavors (Chips Ahoy!, Oreo, Fruity Cereal Milk, Cinnabon, Coffee Ice Cream, Cereal Milk, Nutter Butter, Marshmallow Cereal Milk, Peanut Butter Cereal Milk and Milk Chocolate)

Their vegan protein powders come in 5 different flavors (Cinnabon, Chocolate Cereal Milk, Banana Pancake Batter, Peanut Butter Cereal Milk and Pancake Batter)

Nutritional Value

GHOST’s whey protein powders have 120-160 calories per serving and offer 25-26 grams of protein.

The fat content is 1-3 grams and the carb content is 2-8 grams per serving depending on the flavor. 

GHOST’s vegan protein powders have 110-120 calories per serving with 20-21 grams of protein.

Each serving of GHOST’s vegan protein powder has 0.5-2 grams of fat and 5-7 grams of carbs.


Both GHOST’s whey and vegan protein powders are super easy to mix. They don’t clump up and have an excellent texture after only 20 seconds of shaking.


Is GHOST Protein Powder Good For You?

GHOST offers both whey and vegan protein powders to cater to all different types of diets. Their labels are completely transparent and you know exactly what each scoop contains.

All GHOST protein powders are also free from soy and gluten. They also contain all 9 essential amino acids that your body needs to recover after workouts and build muscle.

Is GHOST Brand Safe?


GHOST is a well-established brand in the supplement and fitness industry. 

You won’t have to worry about getting any proprietary blends or hidden ingredients in their products!

Can I Drink GHOST Protein For Weight Loss?

GHOST’s protein powders can definitely help you lose weight!

The calories per serving depends on the flavor but generally hovers around 110-160 calories. 

GHOST’s whey protein has 25-26 grams of protein per serving while the vegan alternatives have 20-21 grams of protein per serving.

Here is a breakdown of the calorie content in each GHOST protein powder:

Calories In GHOST Whey Protein Powder

Chips Ahoy!: 160 Calories per serving

Oreo: 150 Calories per serving

Fruity Cereal Milk: 120 Calories per serving

Cinnabon: 130 Calories per serving

Coffee Ice Cream: 120 Calories per serving

Cereal Milk: 130 Calories per serving

Nutter Butter: 160 Calories per serving

Marshmallow Cereal Milk: 130 Calories per serving

Peanut Butter Cereal Milk: 140 Calories per serving

Milk Chocolate: 130 Calories per serving

Calories In GHOST Vegan Protein Powder

Cinnabon: 110 Calories per serving

Chocolate Cereal Milk: 120 Calories per serving

Banana Pancake Batter: 110 Calories per serving

Peanut Butter Cereal Milk: 120 Calories per serving

Pancake Batter: 110 Calories per serving

Does GHOST Protein Actually Taste Good?

GHOST’s protein powders have some of the best flavors in the supplement industry. 

They’ve collaborated with Nabisco (the brand behind Chips Ahoy!, Oreo and Nutter Butter) to create some super interesting and tasty flavors. 

GHOST’s vegan protein powder flavors are also very good. GHOST has managed to hide the earthy aftertaste that vegan protein powders have pretty well.

Is GHOST Protein Powder Worth It?

GHOST’s protein powders are on the pricier side. But their high quality and flavors make them well worth the price!

The protein powder label is completely transparent. They don’t have any hidden ingredients or proprietary blends and are also free from gluten and soy.  

How Do You Drink GHOST Whey Protein?

GHOST’s protein powders are super versatile. You can add them to your smoothies, use them for baking, or mix them with milk or water. 

Is GHOST Whey Protein Better With Milk Or Water?

GHOST’s protein powders go well with either milk (dairy or dairy-free) or water. 

Milk is generally the preferred liquid for protein powder. But water works just as well if you want to avoid adding extra calories to your protein shakes.

Final Words

GHOST has plenty of tasty protein powder flavors. And without a doubt, you’ll find one that you’ll love. 

Their wide range of flavors ensures that you’ll never get tired of the taste.

Whether you eat dairy or follow a plant-based diet, GHOST will have a flavor that suits your taste buds!

GHOST offers great protein powders with completely transparent labels and no hidden ingredients or proprietary blends.

Their protein powders work great for smoothies, baking, or simply as your post-workout shake!

What To Do Now?

Now that you’ve found the best GHOST protein powder flavor you might be interested in some protein smoothie recipes that you can try with your new protein powder!

Also make sure to check out the best Celsius flavors to find the best-tasting energy drinks on the market!

If you have a sensitive stomach I recommend that you read these article

Best protein powders for sensitive stomachs

Best protein powders for PCOS

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Simon Bonn

My name is Simon Bonn, and I am the owner and chief editor at Fitness Backbone. I’m passionate about fitness and always strive to give you the best information possible and teach you everything I have learned in the fitness industry.