About Us

Welcome! My name is Simon Bonn and I am the owner and chief editor at Fitness Backbone. I’ve always been an active and athletic person with a passion for sports and fitness in general.

I started playing soccer at the age of 5 and did so until my teenage years when I eventually grew tired of playing competetively. Back then I was a really skinny guy and I decided that I wanted to put on some muscle and for once fill my t-shirt sleeves.

Almost a decade later and here we are! I’ve finally filled up some shirt sleeves and I’ve also learned a whole lot in the process. Along the way I’ve studied nutrition and training theory and worked at one of Scandinavia’s largets fitness companies. I’ve hade the chance to meet and learn from a lot of knowledgeable people in the fitness industry and I’m passioned about extending my knowledge to you.

In my experience the fitness industry can feel like a labyrinth and it’s hard to find good and reliable information. I myself have made my fair share of mistakes when I didn’t have the right information at hand. My goal with Fitness Backbone is to share what I’ve learned and help you achieve your fitness goals and avoid making the same mistakes that I made.

I don’t qualify myself as a medical professional and I can’t give you medical advise, BUT I’m truly passioned about fitness and I strive to always give you the best information possible and teach you everything that I have learned throughout the years.

What To Do Now?

If you made it here it means that you too are looking to learn more about training, supplements and fitness in general. You might be wondering about what supplements you should consider or how you should plan your training regimen. I’m here to help you with all of that and more, so from here you can either;

We hope you enjoy the content we worked so hard to put together, and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us here or on our social media platforms!